615 N. Providence Road
Media, PA 19063
ph: 610-453-4075
Order Women's Suffrage in Pennsylvania 1840-1920, the just published book by author Robyn S. Young, from this website. Women's Suffrage in Pennsylvania contains a history of the Pennsylvania suffrage movement and includes biographical information of 165 suffragists and "suffragents." The book highlights the 1852 Woman's Rights Convention in West Chester, the Justice Bell Tour of 1915, the Women's Land Army during World War I, and the many strategies used by suffragists in Pennsylvania.
Young's first book, Women in Penn's Woods: A History of Women in Pennsylvania, may also be ordered here. Young received a Preservation in Publication Award from the Heritage Commission of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, for Women in Penn's Woods in 2016.
What We Do
Robyn S. Young, known as the "Marker Lady," has received approval from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission for 25 historical roadside markers commemorating women and local history in Pennsylvania.
In 2021 and 2022, Young has also received approval for four additional historical markers from the National Collaborative for Women's History Sites and the Wiliam G. Pomeroy Foundation for inclusion on the National Votes for Women Trail in Pennsylvania.
Young is available to visit your group or organization for:
The following are also available depicting women's history sites and local landscapes:
To order copies of Women's Suffrage in Pennsylvania 1840-1920 OR Women in Penn's Woods: A History of Women in Pennsylvania, please email your order to herashouse@yahoo.com or telephone to 610-453-4075. Price: $22 plus $3 shipping and handling.
To schedule a book signing or presentation, please contact us by email at herashouse@yahoo.com or by telephone at 610-453-4075.
Artwork may be ordered. Prices and samples will be posted shortly.
Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright 2024 Queen's Perch Press, LLC. All rights reserved.
615 N. Providence Road
Media, PA 19063
ph: 610-453-4075